2025 Conference


“Using Data Accountably”

Saturday, 1 March
Manchester Metropolitan University
Grosvenor East Building

Register now on Eventbrite or on the door.
You can get in touch with the organisers at conf25@radstats.org.uk
General inquiries should go to admin@radstats.org.uk

Programme & Presentations

9:00   Registration, poster session, with tea/coffee

9:45 Welcome address
Simon Massey (Director of Man Met Q-Step Centre)

10:00 Keynote talks
John Bibby
Alison Macfarlane
Stefanie Doebler & Nazneen Ismail

11:00 Session 1 –
Neil Bendel (Manchester City Council) – Making Manchester Fairer: A new approach to measuring health inequalities
Carla Cordner – Bridging the gap between data and lived experience: Promoting resilience in care leavers
Guy Marshall – Manchester: Cradle of Statistics? 
followed by Q&A

12:00 Lunch & posters (lunch is provided with registration)

1:10 Plenary: Towards an AI accountability policy
Adrian Byrne (Senior Research Data Scientist; CeADAR, Ireland’s National Centre for AI) – Towards an AI accountability policy
Peter Elston – Did statistics frame Lucy Letby?
followed by Q&A

2:00 Session 2 –
Sam Milsom – Community-led data collection
Julian Tait – Democratic data governance: Implementing data cooperatives for community-led data stewardship
Shaf Choudry – Halalgorithms: AI Ethics at the intersection of Hollywood, fast fashion and Nicholas Cage
followed by Q&A

3:00 Session 3 –
Hannah Manzur – Building quantitative intersectional bridges: A de/reconstructivist approach and to inequalities in data and statistics
Humphrey Southall – The rise and fall of class voting in Britain, 1885-2024
followed by Q&A

3:45 Closing address –

4:00 Radical Statistics’ 2024 AGM, which is open to all members and interested participants, will be held immediately after the conference in the same venue.
If you would like to add an agenda item please notify admin by email.

 Radstats social events – all welcome!

Attendees who arrive on Friday Feb 28 are invited to come along to an informal social event at University Place Room 2.217 at University of Manchester, M13 PL. Join us for drinks & nibbles from 5 -7 pm.

On Saturday evening, we will be arranging an optional meal out after the day’s events. Please let us know if you plan to attend.

Accommodations are plentiful in central Manchester but will book up as the date approaches.

Double rooms are available at hotels.com/. It is usually best to contact a venue directly to avoid rapacious charges, but this site is very easy to use and find options.
If you are in a group you may find good deals at ihacom.co.uk/.
Airbnb.co.uk displays several options for single rooms as well as many other types of private accommodation.
There are official Youth Hostels at yha.org.uk, as well as independent ones at hostelbookers.com/.