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Inequalities in health: The evidence presented to the Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health, chaired by Sir Donald Acheson.

David Gordon, Daniel Dorling and George Davey Smith (editors) 1999.

The Policy Press, Bristol



A structural plan to reduce inequalities in health
, Peter Townsend.

Preface, Sir Donald Acheson.

Mother, fetus, infant, child and family: socio-economic inequalities, Catherine Law.

Youth, Patrick West.

Adults of working age (16/18 to 65 years), David Blane.

Inequalities in health: older people, Kay-Tee Khaw.

Health inequalities: the place of housing, Richard Best.

The social environment, Richard Wilkinson.

Poverty across the life-course and health, George Davey Smith.

The role of the NHS in tackling inequalities in health, Michaela Benzeval and Anna Donald.

Tackling inequalities in health and healthcare - the role of the NHS, Bobbie Jacobson.

Nutrition and health inequalities, Michael Nelson.

Education and health inequalities, Geoff Whitty, Peter Aggleton, Eva Garmarnikow and Paul Tyrer.

Geographical inequalities in mortality, morbidity and health-related behaviour in England, Sally Macintyre.

Ethnic inequalities in health, James Nazroo.
Inequalities of health: road transport and pollution, Adrian Davis.

Inequalities in health related to transport, Barbara MacGibbon.

Gender, Sara Arber.

Mental health, David Goldberg.

Smoking, drinking, physical activity and screening uptake and health inequalities, Jane Wardle, Michael Farrell, Melvyn Hillsdon, Martin Jarvis, Stephen Sutter and Margaret Thorogood.

Inequalities in oral health, Aubrey Sheiham and Richard G. Watt.