Radical Statistics
The Journal
The Subjects
The Books
Radical Statistics Annual Conference
February 24 , 2007
Quaker Meeting Hall
Who's in charge of public statistics?
Speakers' presentations:
- Ray Thomas, Open University
Independence of official statistics: Developments in the last twelve months
- Alison Macfarlane, City University
happening to official statistics in practice?
- Daniel Smith, Health Researcher
Independent regulators, Department of Health and data collection
- Roy Carr-Hill, Centre for Health Economics, University of York and Institute
of Education, University of London
and use of performance indicators in Africa and Asia: Examples from India,
Indonesia, Kenya and Uganda with reference to UK aid policy
- Gill Green, Audit Commission
Demographic statistics and the example of migrant workers
- Petra M Boynton, University College London
Misuse of surveys in PR campaigns
- Diana Kornbrot, University of Hertfordshire
'Quality'? indicators from combining Likert items and other measures from surveys
- Aubrey Blumsohn, (formerly) University of Sheffield
Can I have my data? Access to data and control of the pharmaceutical scientific literature