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'Where Have all the Young Men Gone?'

Following a vigorous debate on the Radical Statistics email list, past editors Danny Dorling and Ludi Simpson help to explain the "missing men" phenomenon of the UK 2001 Census, and how hard it is to be sure of the population size of Britain. This BBC Radio 4 programme was broadcast in April 2004 and again (this version) with an added postscript on 2nd January 2005. Also interviewed: Ian Diamond, Simon Briscoe, Len Cook, Tom Hennel, Robert Barr, and a number of 'missing' men.

Download / listen to the audio file (8.5MB, MP3) Presenter Jo Glanville, Producer Anna Raphael.

Thanks to the BBC for permission to post this file.

For more information, see BBC News magazine story on this topic.

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