The Radical Statistics Journal (or Newsletter) is published two to three times a year in sequential editions. This list of subject headings gives an indication of the range and variety of possible topics.
Contributions to Radical Statistics
All readers are invited to make contributions, brief or detailed, as well as letters or book reviews. Detailed articles should normally be between 4,000 and 5,000 words in length. Contributions should be sent to the editors, preferably via e-mail, including full contact details. Ideally use 1″ margins, Bookman Old Style 13 pt for text, 18 pt bold for subheadings, 18 pt italics for your name, and 24 pt bold for the title. Graphs, charts and diagrams in articles may appear in black & white in print versions but will be full colour online. The Harvard system should be used for referencing. Articles will be subject to minimal editorial changes and will usually appear in the next issue after receipt. If you have any queries, please contact the Editors.
Refereed articles
If you wish to have your article refereed before publication, please ask. Your article will be read for clarity and relevance to the concerns of Radical Statistics; amendments to improve the article may be required by the editors before publication as a refereed article.
Book reviews
We invite book reviews related to the core themes of Radical Statistics of 2000 to 5000 words. Please contact us if you need assistance in obtaining a book which you would like to write a review.
Current Editors:
Steffi Doebler Lancaster University |
Bob Jeffery Sheffield Hallam University |
Sean Demack Sheffield Hallam University Editors can be jointly reached at |
ISSN: 0268 6376
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